You read the title XD
Today I went to a book fair on a planet with a super complicated name that can't be translated into English or any other earth language. There were books of all kinds. Some were even written in Gallifreyan! Though the Doctor said it was all wrong. Well, the grammar and spelling, but he was able to figure out the basic meaning. I think one was called A Small History of the Multi-Universes (translated literally by the Doctor). It's probably supposed to be A Brief History of the Multiverse.
Anyway, I browsed around a bit until I found a book called Alien Beings in the Milky Way. It was really fun to look at. The artwork were really realistic. Or maybe those were actually pictures.
Everyone had to pay in the currency of the host planet. They use pure elements. The purer, the better. The Doctor just happened to have a Mercury thermometer in his pocket, so he got himself a Gallifreyan book and started to correct everything. I'm gonna get that book about the different "alien beings" in our galaxy. Tomorrow I'm gonna bring a giant chunk of Plutonium and buy a whole bunch of stuff!
But for now, we wait.
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