July 03, 2017

3rd of July Fireworks

Because doing it on the 4th of July is too much trouble, even though the week already started. I don't understand these humans. If you're going to explode fireworks on a Monday night and not on the weekend, why not just do it on the actual 4th of July?

There were lots of colorful lights. It was nice. I'm going to sleep.


April 25, 2017

I went to Washington DC on Earth Day!

I participated in the March for Science, and also went to some cool museums. I love museums.
Anyway, here are some pictures I took!
It was really raining during the March. I left early because I hate getting wet and my sign was completely soaked anyway. However, I did see some really great signs and a lot of salty humans. It was very fun. 10/10 would march again... if it didn't rain.


January 26, 2017


As I'm sure many students are aware, it's the end of the semester and that means… exams! I'm no exception. I've got a global history midterm today and a chemistry midterm tomorrow. Wish me luck~


January 25, 2017

Hey look at that

I found a mobile app for Blogger! Hopefully I'll be able to post more often haha XD

January 24, 2017

I'm literally never on here

Happy new year y'all! It's been... a while since my last post. I know. I don't give this blog as much attention as I give my instagram. Blogger really needs a good mobile app, you know? I only remember to post to my instagram and check tumblr because I have the app.
Anyway, school is a thing still. I've got 2 years left in high school (not counting this year since it's halfway done already), then I'll go... somewhere else for more school cuz I just can't get enough.
I also never posted pictures of my Montreal trip, so I'll do some Time Travel!!!1!! and post it a little after I got back.