August 29, 2016

The Insectarium

Next to the Biodome there's an insect museum called the Insectarium. I don't remember seeing any live insects, though I think there was a butterfly garden? That may have been another museum. They all look the same when you've visited enough of them.

Raja Brooke's Birdwing

Rice Paper Butterfly? I think?

This is the cool thing where a butterfly is both male and female. In a species with sexual dimorphism, this is what happens. The butterfly probably couldn't fly very well, but it still looks really majestic.

I think this is a sunset moth or something?

Is this one the sunset moth?

Some weird species of preying mantis I don't know the name of. I'm not an entomologist.

Probably a monarch butterfly, but I think this is the one that isn't actually poisonous and imitates the monarch's coloring.

Some sort of leafwing butterfly.

These are from the Botanical Garden outside the Insectarium. I didn't get any more pictures because I was kind of tired of taking photos at that point and I was hungry, so I went to get food.


The Biodome

On the second day, I went to the Biodome, which is just a big biology museum. It's also a repurposed Olympic stadium, according to the internet. There were lots of cool animals there. Everything was in English and French, which I thought was pretty cool.

Sherlock XD



Montreal Day 1

So I started my trip on August 23, 2016. It was a really nice day to travel. I stayed at an AirBnB in a small town nearby. I decided to just relax and watch some French television on the first day (or rather, first afternoon. I started traveling kind of late). I wasn't in a hurry.


August 28, 2016

I'm back!

I was actually back on Friday but I furgot to update XD
Pictures are coming in the next blog post!


August 08, 2016

Awe yis

My camera arrived today! It's fabulous and I love it.

pride is not the word im looking for
there is so much more inside me now

(that was from Hamilton)


July 28, 2016

More traveling?????

So I'm thinking about going to Montreal during the 21st century (around the summer of 2016, maybe August) I'm going to get myself a purrofessional camera so I can take majestical pictures XD
I'll update with more info once I do some more research :3


July 27, 2016

So I haven't been posting fur a whale

That was beclaws I recently joined the Hamilton fandom and decided to pay the Hamilsquad a visit. Since they live in the 18th century, I had no wifi or electronics of any kind. That was also beclaws I was being lazy since I could've easily did some thymehopping or even just hid in a corner with my phone while no one else was looking and updated my blog (since the Doctor gave me universal roaming).
Anyway, I'm back. I wasn't reely ever gone but I'm back. Hi.


April 14, 2016

*Assok Noises*

Credits to the amazing artist, modmad!
I really hate analyzing books. If you want to analyze a book, analyze it's story, not the words! I would happily analyze every classpect combination in Homestuck but the meowment you ask me to analyze Andrew Hussie's use of characterization to develop the plot I am absconding as far away from you as I can.
The worst part is, I decided to put Elevatorstuck on repeat in the background while I write. I'm not annoyed at it, but it's getting repetitive and I don't feel like doing anyfin about it so I'm just kind of sitting here listening to Elevatorstuck while internally making Assok noises and analyzing books.


April 06, 2016

Okay so

Small Ingress rant.
I recently finished catching up with the story of Ingress, and I'll just say I'm a little confused. For those who aren't caught up to the most recent Obsidian anomaly, I'll explain to the best of my ability.
The Acolyte of the Enlightened and Jahan of the Resistance have found that the 13MAGNUS portal that exploded during the Shōnin ceremony was acting as a beacon to a new alien species, the N'Zeer. The shapers within the portals and the Acolyte don't want the N'Zeer to enter our world, believing they will only bring destruction to humanity, while Jahan and the Resistance want to bring the N'Zeer to Earth as quickly as possible.
This is where I got confused. I thought that the Enlightened were supposed to welcome these new visitors, we do, after all, want to enlighten ourselves with the knowledge and technology these aliens will bring. Have we become so close-minded that we will listen to whatever the shapers say? Heck, we know basically nothing about them!
The Resistance, at least my understanding of the Resistance, don't want aliens to be influencing humanity. Yet Jahan seems insistent on bringing the N'Zeer into our world. Have our interests flipped? Am I the only one confused about this?


April 04, 2016


I'm level 6 in Ingress X3

So, fur those of you who don't know, Ingress is an amazingly creative augmented reality (AR) game about a global struggle between two teams –

     the Enlightened and the Resistance

These teams are fighting for control over a fictional substance named Exotic Matter (XM), which is both matter and energy. If exposed in significant amounts to humans (and, I assume, other similar creatures) it is capable of enhancing their natural abilities. It's also able to influence and control human thought The following is a very brief history from this page:
"In July 2012, a comic artist named Tycho confronted people in a panel about a hidden truth. He was escorted away. On his web site, there were five posters posted. each contained a number of images, words and codes. They all seemed to indicate a conspiracy. There were also cards handed out that mentioned something called the Niantic Project and a phone number that first lead to a voicemail asking for information about Tycho, but later changed to an audio code that lead to geographic coordinates for the CERN lab in Geneva.
In November of 2012, a website, went live. It was run by someone named P. A. Chapeau, a mysterious blogger who was investigating the Niantic Project. He began sharing videos, audios and leaked documents, all uncovering that the Niantic Project was more than a simple science project housed at the CERN lab.
Throughout the month of November we learn more and more about the Niantic Project as well as an app called Ingress (released November 14/15). We learn that the Niantic Project appears to be a scientific project sponsored by the NIA to study the effects of something called the Shaper Mind Virus and something called Exotic Matter (XM)."
After the release of the Ingress app, the fight for XM went worldwide. Players all over the world are now able to see the portals leaking XM into our world. They were starting to create control fields  (by creating XM links between three portals). The original Niantic research project was shut down, but since so many people were able to interact with these portals, XM anomalies began to appear. I won't go into the anomalies right now, but if you watch this video, it should explain some stuff to you.

Now, I'll explain the teams.

The Enlightened:
This faction is represented by a green eye surrounded by four polygon-esque shapes.
The members of the Enlightened aim to harness the power of exotic matter to evolve humans to a higher form of being. They want to help the shapers infiltrate the Earth, believing that the shapers will bring massive amounts of knowledge to humankind.

The Resistance:
This faction is represented by a blue key inside a pentagon.
The members of the Resistance want to remove exotic matter from the world. They fight the efforts of the Enlightened to assist the shapers infiltration, believing that the aliens will only enslave humanity.

Whichever team you choose, I hope you have a lot of fun playing this game! Ingress can be downloaded from the app store here and Google play here.


annnnd I'm back!

Since there was a two hour delay, the schedule for the day was kind of messed up. The classes we missed in the morning was rescheduled for the afternoon, and all the classes are shortened to make sure we still end at the same time. Some of or tests were postponed because of the reduced time, and it seems that the classes assigned less work than usual, or maybe it's just me.
Anyway, I'm back from my 2nd morning class and now I'm going to start on my homework.
I whale update again soon.


2-hour Delay!

Today, there was a big snowstorm near the Academy and all classes were delayed for 2 hours.
I know, a snowstorm in April. You'd think the ocean would maybe keep the weather stable, but I guess the ocean is on break or somefin XD

Look at all this snow!


P.S. I don't actually live in California irl, obviously. There are no pine trees there. Also it would never snow in April. This kind of stuff happens up in the north.