I'm level 6 in Ingress X3
So, fur those of you who don't know, Ingress is an amazingly creative augmented reality (AR) game about a global struggle between two teams –
the Enlightened and the Resistance
These teams are fighting for control over a fictional substance named Exotic Matter (XM), which is both matter and energy. If exposed in significant amounts to humans (and, I assume, other similar creatures) it is capable of enhancing their natural abilities. It's also able to influence and control human thought The following is a very brief history from
this page:
"In July 2012, a comic artist named Tycho confronted people in a panel about a hidden truth. He was escorted away. On his web site, there were five posters posted. each contained a number of images, words and codes. They all seemed to indicate a conspiracy. There were also cards handed out that mentioned something called the Niantic Project and a phone number that first lead to a voicemail asking for information about Tycho, but later changed to an audio code that lead to geographic coordinates for the CERN lab in Geneva.
In November of 2012, a website, www.nianticproject.com went live. It was run by someone named P. A. Chapeau, a mysterious blogger who was investigating the Niantic Project. He began sharing videos, audios and leaked documents, all uncovering that the Niantic Project was more than a simple science project housed at the CERN lab.
Throughout the month of November we learn more and more about the Niantic Project as well as an app called Ingress (released November 14/15). We learn that the Niantic Project appears to be a scientific project sponsored by the NIA to study the effects of something called the Shaper Mind Virus and something called Exotic Matter (XM)."
After the release of the Ingress app, the fight for XM went worldwide. Players all over the world are now able to see the portals leaking XM into our world. They were starting to create control fields (by creating XM links between three portals). The original Niantic research project was shut down, but since so many people were able to interact with these portals, XM anomalies began to appear. I won't go into the anomalies right now, but if you watch
this video, it should explain some stuff to you.
Now, I'll explain the teams.
The Enlightened:
This faction is represented by a green eye surrounded by four polygon-esque shapes.
The members of the Enlightened aim to harness the power of exotic matter to evolve humans to a higher form of being. They want to help the shapers infiltrate the Earth, believing that the shapers will bring massive amounts of knowledge to humankind.
The Resistance:
This faction is represented by a blue key inside a pentagon.
The members of the Resistance want to remove exotic matter from the world. They fight the efforts of the Enlightened to assist the shapers infiltration, believing that the aliens will only enslave humanity.
Whichever team you choose, I hope you have a lot of fun playing this game! Ingress can be downloaded from the app store
here and Google play